Wooden fence in the rain

When to repair or replace your fence panels after a storm

The weather has not been kind this winter, and so far, we’ve faced a barrage of storms that have really tested the resilience of our outdoor spaces. When it comes to the garden, your timber fencing is often the first line of defence against harsh weather, and after a particularly rough spot of wind and rain (like the weather lately), they can certainly take a beating. Now and then, this can leave fence panels and posts looking a little worse for wear.

If you find yourself dealing with damaged fence panels or even posts, you might be wondering whether it’s better to try and repair them or completely replace them. While it might initially seem like a straightforward decision, there are a few factors to consider before making any moves, so that you can avoid any unnecessary costs.

Assess the damages

Stormy weather can be relentless, and when your fence has taken the brunt of the wind and rain, it might have sustained some damage. Before you decide on how to move forward, you’ll start by assessing the extent of the damage. If the issues are only minor – like small cracks, loose nails, or panels that have shifted slightly out of place – there’s a good chance they can be repaired relatively easily. Simple fixes like replacing individual boards, re-securing nails, or realigning panels can often do the trick without much hassle.

However, for more severe damage, like if you have large sections missing, panels that have split in half, or warping caused by heavy winds or water, it might be time to think about a replacement. Substantial structural issues often mean the fence’s integrity has already been compromised, and a fresh start could be the most practical and cost-effective answer.

Even if the damage seems small upon inspection, it’s worth getting it sorted sooner rather than later. Left unchecked, minor issues can quickly escalate, leading to bigger problems down the line, which end up costing more money to sort out.

Inspect for rot and weak spots

Storm damage doesn’t always tell the full story. Sometimes, it exposes pre-existing issues that have been quietly developing over time. Timber fencing, generally, is prone to rot and decay because it’s a natural material, especially after prolonged exposure to damp conditions and especially if it’s old or untreated.

Take a good look at your fence panels to check for any signs of rot. If the wood feels soft, crumbly, or brittle to the touch, it’s likely suffering from decay. Unfortunately, repairing rotten panels is often only a temporary solution, as they will continue to weaken over time to the point where you can’t fix them any longer. In these cases, replacing the affected sections – or even the entire fence – can save you from ongoing maintenance headaches further down the line.

While you’re at it, give your fence posts and frames a once over to make sure everything is as it should be. A wobbly post or a cracked frame can undermine the stability of the whole structure, even if the panels themselves appear to be in good condition. These elements are the backbone of your fence, so making sure they’re strong and secure is crucial for long-term durability.

The costs of repair vs. replacement

When deciding whether to repair or replace your fence, one thing you’ll want to weigh up is whether it’s going to cost more to fix your fence than to simply replace the whole thing. For smaller issues like loose panels, minor cracks, or a slight lean, repairs are usually the more budget-friendly option.

However, if the damage is more widespread, repair costs can start to pile up. Large sections of missing panels, severe warping, or rotted posts may require more work than it’s actually worth, and the cost of those repairs might end up approaching – or even exceeding – the price of replacing the entire fence. In this case, a replacement is often the wiser and easier choice. Not just so you have a new, sturdy structure but also because it saves you the hassle of ongoing maintenance costs every time we have an unpleasant patch of weather.

If your fence has suffered in the latest storm and you’re not sure whether to repair or replace it, we’re here to help! At Sherman & Young Timber, we’ve been providing high-quality fencing solutions and expert advice for over 50 years. Whether you need a few replacement panels or a completely new timber fence, our friendly team can help guide you through the process and get you exactly what you need for the job. Give us a call today on 01942 727 314 or head to our website to take a look at our range of timber fencing products – we’re always happy to help!

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